Sleep deprivation doesn’t need to be a part of parenthood.

If you are currently holding a newborn or are expecting in 2024, this one is for you!
Feeling tired is just the tip of the iceberg.
Does your child’s sleep have you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, even trapped?
Does the thought of changing these habits fill you with guilt and uncertainty?
You don’t have to do it alone!
100% personalized sleep plans
face-to-face (virtual/real-life) consultations
unlimited one-on-one support
real time solutions
caring ear from a mom whose being there
You will leave our time together feeling empowered, knowledgeable, and well-rested!

Sleep Programs
Newborn Sleep 101 (0 - 14 weeks)
Infant Support
(4 - 17 months)
Toddler Support
(18 months - 3 years
Preschool Support
(3 - 5 years)
Hi! I’m Maité
I'm a mom to two wonderful tornadoes kiddos. I would change nothing about the chaos that is every day, but oh yes, I do look forward to the evening when both kids are in bed and I can recharge and actually hold a conversation with my husband. Not so long ago, however, I was in your shoes. Sleep deprived, day dreaming of getting a full night’s rest, wracked with guilt about doing the wrong thing for my baby, but unable to continue on the path I was on.